The May 6, 2022 installment of Jake Schoeneberger’s random entertainment opinions Early May is finally here and there are tons of good entertainment offerings on the horizon. Later this month, Kenobi and Stranger Things 4 are arriving. But until they drop, I’m watching some other things in the meantime. Here are some random thoughts about… Continue reading Random Entertainment Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger Part 2
Author: u_jacobschoe
New York Giants Draft Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger
The 2nd installment of Jacob Schoeneberger’s opinions on the Giants Now that the Giants have made their draft picks, it’s that time of year again. Time for the Jacob Schoeneberger is always wrong in his predictions of draft players’ success. Here are some thoughts about the New York Football Giants 2022 draft: Perfect Day 1… Continue reading New York Giants Draft Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger
Random Entertainment Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger
The thing to know about Jacob Schoeneberger and his relationship to entertainment is this: it’s complicated. Learn all about his random entertainment thoughts here.
New York Giants April 2022 Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger
The 1st installment of Jake Schoeneberger’s opinions on the Giants I’m writing this in April 2022 with the NFL Draft a mere few weeks away. Anyone who knows Jacob Schoeneberger knows he bleeds blue. The New York Giants have had a rough few years, and it hasn’t been easy for the fans. I’m hoping this… Continue reading New York Giants April 2022 Thoughts from Jacob Schoeneberger